What do I write?

What don’t I write?

Do I have to write?

There is no write (write/right geddit!) or wrong letter.
The Library of Letters strives to create community and empathy through the sharing of the stories found in your letters. Write about your day, a memory, yourself, anything.

The beauty is you are writing an open letter to many people, to be read by those that visit TLoL.

TLoL is an archive of humanity told through the intimacy of letter writing.

This isn’t a confessional for absolution, please don’t write anything that compromises the ethics of this project. All letters will be read by TLoL before they are added to the archive. Sending the letter doesn’t guarantee inclusion. Nothing discriminatory, defamatory or violent, pretty simple really!

TLoL hopes to be as inclusive as possible. You are not required to hand write your letters. We love typewriters too!
And writing isn’t possible, if postage costs are prohibitive and if you don’t have a typewriter than pop over to the Contact Page and submit your letter electronically, TA DA!

Where can I visit TLoL?

Help us reach more people

TLoL is currently accepting letters and we are very grateful that you would consider contributing to this project!

We are in the process of connecting with various institutions to have temporary sites where you can come to read and write letters. Please keep visiting us here and at @thelibraryofletters to find out when you can visit.

Our hope is for TLoL to be mobile, that’s right a Library of Letters on wheels!
This way we can visit Schools, Aged care homes, regional communities and travel to as many people as possible.

To do that we would be humbled by your kind donation. We hope to inspire community through creativity and literacy to people of all ages.

I’m looking for a penpal, when will I get a reply?

TLoL is not a penpal exchange, rather this is a collection of letters from humans all over the world. Sharing your letter is a way to give others insight into your life.
You are encouraged to include your return address, which will be kept private. People that read your letter may wish to reply. TLoL will post their letter to you with the address supplied.