An archive of humanity.
Promoting Community, Wellbeing and Literacy


An intimate yet global experience and opportunity.

Never before have we been so connected through technology yet so disconnected.

Combining the community aspect of a library, the intimacy of letter writing, and the modern day connected world we make stories viral in the slowest way possible.
TLoL strives to promote empathy and a slower way of communicating through the lost of art of letter writing.

Write your letter


Send your letter to TLoL, include your name and your country.

If you would like to receive replies from visitors to TLoL please include your return postal address. This will be kept private, TLoL will post on your return correspondents behalf.

The Library of Letters


The Library of Letters exists to inspire community and understanding through the sharing of the lives of people from across the world.

TLoL strives to promote empathy and a slower way of communicating through the lost of art of letter writing.

Your reply awaits


Your missive will be available for visitors to TLoL to read and enjoy. Your letter will transport them to your home, work, studio or memories through the thoughts you have shared on paper.

TLoL regularly visits Schools, Community groups and Aged Care centres with Letter Writing Workshops teaching people the benefits of creating and sending letters.